Plagiarism Screening

An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities highly values the originality of scientific work and is committed to preventing plagiarism in all its forms. All manuscripts submitted to this journal will undergo a rigorous plagiarism screening process before being considered for publication.

Plagiarism Screening Process:

  1. Use of Plagiarism Detection Software: An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities uses leading plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin, iThenticate, or other similar software, to check text similarity between submitted manuscripts and other sources available in the software's database, including scientific publications, web pages, and other documents.

  2. Editor Review: In addition to using software, the journal's editors will also conduct manual checks of manuscripts to identify potential plagiarism, especially in terms of:

    • Improper or incomplete citations.
    • Paraphrasing that is too similar to the original text.
    • Use of other people's ideas or concepts without proper attribution.
  3. Similarity Threshold: An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities sets a maximum similarity threshold of 20%. Manuscripts showing a similarity level above this threshold will be rejected or returned to the authors for revision and correction. It should be noted that this similarity level is not the only determining factor. The editors will also consider the context and source of the similarity. For example, similarity originating from properly attributed direct quotations or from common phrases in a particular field of study may still be acceptable.

  4. Types of Plagiarism Detected: Plagiarism screening will cover various types of plagiarism, including:

    • Direct Plagiarism: Copying word for word or large portions of text from another source without proper attribution.
    • Paraphrasing Plagiarism: Expressing ideas or information from another source in one's own words but too similarly to the original text without proper attribution.
    • Self-Plagiarism: Republishing one's own previously published work without appropriate attribution.
    • Source Plagiarism: Providing incorrect or incomplete attribution to the sources used.
  5. Follow-up on Plagiarism Cases: If plagiarism is detected, the editors will take the following actions:

    • Manuscript Rejection: If the plagiarism is considered significant, the manuscript will be rejected for publication.
    • Revision Request: If the plagiarism is considered less significant, the authors will be asked to revise the manuscript and correct the plagiarized sections.
    • Publication Retraction: If plagiarism is detected after the article is published, the article may be retracted from the journal.

Publication Ethics:

An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities also emphasizes the importance of publication ethics for authors. Authors are expected to understand and adhere to the principles of publication ethics, including avoiding plagiarism, data fabrication, and data falsification.

With this rigorous plagiarism screening process, An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities strives to maintain publication quality and ensure the originality of published scientific work.