Author Guidelines
These guidelines provide detailed information for authors who wish to submit manuscripts to An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities. Authors are expected to read and understand these guidelines before submitting their manuscripts.
1. Focus and Scope:
Ensure your manuscript aligns with the focus and scope of An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities, which is research in the fields of social sciences and humanities. Full details can be found on the Focus and Scope page on the journal's website.
2. Types of Manuscripts:
This journal accepts the following types of manuscripts:
- Research Articles: Reports of original research supported by strong data and analysis.
- Literature Reviews: Comprehensive and critical analyses of literature relevant to a specific topic.
- (Optional) Case Studies: In-depth analyses of specific cases relevant to the fields of social sciences and humanities.
3. Manuscript Preparation:
- Language: Manuscripts must be written in good and correct in English.
- File Format: Manuscripts must be prepared in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
- Page Format:
- Paper size: A4
- Margins: Top, bottom, left, and right 2.5 cm
- Spacing: 1.5 spacing
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 pt
- Manuscript Structure:
- Title: Short, clear, and informative.
- Authors' Names Affiliations and E-Mail: Include the authors' full names without titles, followed by their institutional affiliations.
- Abstract: Written in Indonesian and English (maximum 200-250 words), containing a brief summary of the research, including the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Keywords: 3-5 keywords relevant to the research topic.
- Introduction: Background, problem formulation, and research objectives.
- Literature Review: a comprehensive survey and critical analysis of the existing research on a specific topic. It's not just a summary of different sources; it's an organized and structured evaluation that identifies patterns, themes, gaps, and debates within the existing literature.
- Methods: Detailed explanation of the methods used in the research.
- Results and Discussion: Presentation and analysis of research data.
- Conclusion: Summary of the main findings and implications of the research.
- Acknowledgments (If any): Acknowledgments to parties who have contributed to the research.
- References: Using the [Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition in Full note] citation style. Ensure all sources cited in the manuscript are listed in the references, and vice versa.
4. Citation Style:
An-Nuha: Journal of Social & Humanities uses is the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition in Full note using mendeley application, the template is available. citation style. Authors are responsible for ensuring all citations and references are formatted correctly according to the chosen style.
5. Manuscript Submission:
Manuscripts are submitted online through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) on the journal's website. Authors need to create an account first before they can submit a manuscript.
6. Review Process:
All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Full details can be found on the Peer Review Process page on the journal's website.
7. Publication Ethics:
Authors are expected to comply with applicable publication ethics, including avoiding plagiarism, data fabrication, and data falsification. Full details can be found on the Publication Ethics page on the journal's website.
By following these guidelines, authors can ensure that their manuscripts are well-prepared and meet the journal's requirements.