The Role of Rumah Kreatif Tamiang as a Forum for Creativity and Independence of People with Disabilities in Aceh Tamiang


  • Ria Agustina Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang-Indonesia
  • Muhamad Doni Tabrani Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nurul Hidayah Malingping Lebak Banten, Indonesia



Disabilities, Independence, Stigma


The Rumah Kreatif Tamiang program is a forum for creativity and independence of people with disabilities in Aceh Tamiang. People with disabilities have space to develop creativity and skills, improve their lives, and change negative stigma. This program was initiated by PT Pertamina EP Rantau Field and has received several awards. This article discusses the background, goals, implementation, and impact on the lives of people with disabilities. The Rumah Kreatif Tamiang program initiated by PT Pertamina EP Rantau Field is one of the CSR programs that focuses on empowering disabled groups in Aceh Tamiang Regency. This program won the Best and Inspiring CSR and Platinum awards in the Social Impact Category at the E2S Proving League 2023. This article discusses the background, objectives, implementation, and impact of the Rumah Kreatif Tamiang program on the lives of people with disabilities in Aceh Tamiang. Rumah Kreatif Tamiang program is a program that is very beneficial for people with disabilities in Aceh Tamiang. It is proven by the increase in income, the development of new skills, self-empowerment, and a more positive change in stigma against people with disabilities in the area. Hopefully this program can continue to provide great benefits for people with disabilities and the surrounding community.







How to Cite

The Role of Rumah Kreatif Tamiang as a Forum for Creativity and Independence of People with Disabilities in Aceh Tamiang. (2024). An-Nuha: Jurnal Sosial & Humaniora, 2(1), 28-42.